Dydd Mercher, ugeinfed, Mai 2015
Wednesday 20th. May 2015
Haven’t done this for a
while. Croeso ‘n ol.
Sometimes the most uplifting
conversations are heard in the most unlikely of places.
I called into a large
supermarket in Pontypridd recently and before shopping, availed myself of the
toilet facilities. There was a gentleman of a similar age to myself standing in
a corner outside a closed cubicle door. This is the conversation I heard:-
From inside the cubicle: ‘I
locked the door Grampy, so no one can come in’.
Grampy: ‘ Right oh then.’
Cubicle: ‘Grampy, will you
get the toilet paper for me?’
Grampy: ‘Well I can’t….you’ve
locked the door’
Cubicle: ‘Grampy, can I tell you something?’
Grampy: ‘Of course.’
Cubicle: ‘I love you with all my heart’
….Brought a tear to my leg, I
can tell you….
I felt compelled to say, ‘That’s
made my day, Butt’.